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Intuitive Craniosacral Therapy (CST)

CST works by helping the body’s natural healing mechanisms dissipate the negative effects of stress on the central nervous system. Balancing and releasing restrictions in the craniosacral system will support all systems in the body - including the musculoskeletal, endocrine, cardio-respiratory, gastrointestinal, lymphatic, immune and reproductive systems - to create long-lasting improvements in overall well-being and support our inherent inner self-clearing, self-regulating and innate healing force.  


Dr. Kandice's gentle and intuitive approach delves into your physical and energetic selves. By guiding you to explore the layers beneath the surface, she helps you understand the root causes behind any discomfort, stress, or imbalance you may be experiencing in your mind, emotions, and body.


Remember, our body has its own intelligence and information. Our innate intelligence possesses the incredible ability to heal us —mentally, emotionally, and physically. The information stored in our body from the past can contribute to chronic illnesses of the body, mind and emotions. During your session with Dr. Kandice, she supports you to clear the blockages and create space within where this innate healing intelligence can thrive. 




Frequently Asked Questions


What is Craniosacral Therapy and the Craniosacral System?

Craniosacral therapy is a non-invasive, gentle yet powerful hands-on therapy that treats your entire body, down to the cellular level, during each session. It balances the craniosacral system and clears any stored restrictions (physical, mental and emotional) thereby allowing your innate healing mechanisms to bring your body into balance. By applying a gentle touch, Dr. Kandice will directly influence the craniosacral system and indirectly, the functions of the nervous, muscular, fascial, bony, endocrine, digestive, respiratory, lymphatic and all other systems.


The Craniosacral system is a unique and regular system in the body responsible for the central nervous system's normal development and functioning. It includes the meningeal membranes surrounding and supporting the brain and spinal cord, cranial bones, cranial and spinal membranes, and cerebrospinal fluid surrounding and protecting the brain. It also includes the connective tissue and fascia -  a covering found around the entire body, down to the cellular level.


How can Craniosacral Therpy help me?

CST can help with a variety of conditions which include:

  • Mood disorders/ imbalances - anxiety, depression, etc

  • Chronic pain - TMJ, headaches, neck pain, back pain, migraines, etc 

  • Digestive imbalances/ chronic conditions

  • Nervous system imbalances and brain injuries (non-acute)

  • Trauma release 

  • Boost vitality & immunity

  • Sleep disturbances & insomnia

  • Acute and chronic injuries/trauma

  • Increasing mental clarity and cognition

  • Fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue 

  • Sinus problems

  • PTSD

  • Stress and stress-induced conditions

  • Support ing the reduction in symptoms of cancer therapy side effects, hydrocephalus and seizure disorders.

  • and more...


What happens during a therapeutic session?

Each session the patient will lie down, fully clothed and in the supine position (face up). Dr. Kandice will then perform a whole body evaluation beginning at your head; tuning into the patient’s bony system, soft tissues, fluid flow, energetic flow and more. Using craniosacral techniques, she will then move to the areas of restriction and support the body's craniosacral system to come back into balance.

Each therapeutic session is strongly rooted in the knowledge of anatomy, physiology, and biomechanics, but it is also a creative process, the outcome of which is equally dependent upon both the patient and the therapist as the wisdom of the patient's body acts as a guide throughout each session. 

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